Thursday, June 12, 2008

The realities. The difference.

At Element U Personal Health Coaching, the approach is different. Much different. Often times when individuals are feeling down about their physical condition they immediately turn to the gym or club. Why? Because that's what they've been trained to do. To look for the treadmill or stair machine to make things better. Hire a personal trainer. Why? Because they'll know what to do to 'fix' my problems. They'll hold me accountable. The reality is, in most cases, these 'quick fixes' don't work. We want them to work, but generally, they don't. Why? Because the 'fix' is temporary. We go to the gym for a few months, buy fancy workout gear to make us feel 'official', like we belong there. We buy expensive supplements that we're told will make a HUGE difference in our results, how we feel, how we'll recover, etc, etc.....We see the personal trainer 3 times per week because we're told we need to have that many sessions per week to see results. What it all amounts to is a lot of time and money spent for perhaps a little positive gain that lasts only a few months. Then, it's back to square one.

So, why does this sound familiar? Why do we get caught in this vicious cycle only to see virtually no change over the years in our physical and mental well-being? The answer is because the approach is all wrong and the underlying habits, rituals, and routines are not addressed first. The correct framework is not laid first and thus the structure (your mind and body) eventually starts to crumble again and then the process starts all over. Gyms and fitness clubs know this. Personal trainers know this. Supplement companies know this.

With health coaching the focus is placed on the 'framework', that which is going to make you strong both mentally and physically so the cycle ends and you see sustained, positive health gain without the constant reverting back to hold habits, rituals, and routines that don't promote positive health growth.

You wouldn't continue to invest your hard-earned money in investments that yielded only losses in the end. You'd re-evaluate, learn from the mistakes, make a plan for smarter investments, and leverage that knowledge for positive financial gain.

Make the same choice with your personal health. It can be done. Choose to lay the framework so you can reap the benefits for years to come.

For more information about how Element U can help you navigate the 'health process', please email

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