Wednesday, December 5, 2007

health tips of the week:

Osteoporosis in Men

Yep, that's right, in men. Too many men make the assumption that osteoporosis (thinning bones) is strictly a "woman's disease". This couldn't be further from the truth. Fact is, approximately 2 million men also have the condition and another 12 million are at risk of developing osteoporosis. Lifestyle choices such as not smoking, exercising (particularly weight-bearing activities) and getting plenty of calcium can help tremendously. If deemed appropriate, medications can also be used to help treat men experiencing bone loss. Ask your physician if it would be worthwhile to be tested and/or further examined to determine if preventative measures might be in order. A health coach can assist with putting together an appropriate 'weight-bearing' healthy movement program.

Muscle Soreness

It's important to remember that muscle soreness is a natural reaction/occurence of the body. Strenuous exercise can definitely lead to muscle soreness, particularly if you're doing something your body isn't accustomed to altogether or something you just haven't done in quite some time. Soreness typically peaks between 24-48 hours after exercise. It's also important to remember that muscle soreness isn't a 'good indicator'. In other words, it doesn't mean you had a 'good or more effective' workout. It's telling you that muscles/tissues have been broken down and are in the process of healing themselves.
To lessen the chance of discomfort, slowly add more time, distance, intensity or repetitions to your routine. Light massage can also help to relieve sore muscles.