Wednesday, November 14, 2007

health tips of the week:

Heat or Ice for Injuries?
The next time you pull, strain or twist something, think twice about grabbing a heat pack. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the best way to treat an acute injury in the first 48 to 72 hours is with ice. An ice pack or frozen gel pack wrapped in a thin towel or paper towel will help lessen the pain and reduce swelling associated with your body's reaction to injury. Do not apply for more than 20 minutes and wait at least 20 minutes before applying it again! For bony prominences like the elbow or knee, apply directly for no more than 10-12 minutes since these areas are covered by less muscle or fat tissue.

Good Sitting Posture
For back health, think geometry and support. When sitting at your computer, sit with your back against the support of your chair and your shoulders back. Your buttocks may or may not touch the back of your chair depending on the shape and support it offers. You can use a rolled up towel or lumbar support to help maintain the natural curve of your lower back. Both your elbows and legs should bend at nearly 90-degree angles and try to keep your feet flat on the floor or better yet, on an angled 'footrest'. This position improves ergonomics and reduces your chances of developing computer-related back, arm and wrist problems. For more information on proper home/work-office ergonomics and/or cubicle setup that can help reduce your chances of 'over-use, repetitive strain' injuries or discomfort, contact Element U.

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