Thursday, November 8, 2007

health tips of the week:

To Eat or Not to Eat Prior to Exercise: Confused about all of the mixed messages about when and what to eat before exercising? We're told to "not workout on an empty stomach", "workout only if you've got an empty stomach", "eat a light meal high in carbs prior to working out", "eat something light 30 minutes to an hour before you begin", and the list goes on and on. The truth of the matter is, we're all unique in what works best for us. Experiment a little, listen to your body and determine what's ideal for you. Don't spend hours dissecting research and editorial articles on the "best" formula when you could better use that time enjoying some healthy movement.

Don't Skip the Most Important Meal of the Day:
When you skip breakfast it can effect your cholesterol, resulting in higher, less healthy levels. Skipping breakfast also makes the body less sensitive to insulin. These effects could lead to increased health risks and weight gain. Treat your body right, fuel it with the most important meal of the day and enjoy a host of other positive side-benefits. Try to include low/no fat dairy, whole grain cereals or breads, and seasonal fruits as often as you can.

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